
Not Your Average Library!

Public libraries are no longer the meeting place of quiet study and reflection. We offer, in addition to books, DVDs, Books on CD, free children’s programming, genealogy research, magazines, newspapers, meeting & study rooms, free WiFi and you can even check out MiFis if you do not have Internet at home. Perry County Public Library offers printing services, 20 public computers, faxing services, copy services, and the convenience of accessing your account online to manage your materials in our circulation program called Evergreen Indiana and because we belong to the consortium of Evergreen Indiana, patrons have access to millions of books across the state of Indiana that can be shipped to PCPL at no charge.

Our Mission Statement

Perry County Public Library provides all members of the community with access to books and other resources and services for education, information, and recreation. Library services are available to all, regardless of race, creed, occupation or financial position. We place special consideration on programs that benefit youth, encourage continuing education and conduct literacy programs for adults, provide access to technology, and promote interest in local history and genealogy. We also provide bookmobile service to rural residents of Perry County and any neighboring county or counties through contract.