The Board of Trustees of the Perry County Public Library makes available the Meeting Room of our Tell City location to support library programs and functions and for the use of organizations engaged in educational, cultural, intellectual, civic or charitable activities. A library program will take precedence over room use by other organizations.
The library provides meeting areas on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of groups requesting their use.
Usage Requirements
- Priority is given to library activities and functions.
- Meeting of a purely social nature are excluded.
- Groups may use the facility once per week. A limited series of daily meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Director.
- Refreshments may be served, but the users are responsible for clean up
- Meetings must conclude a quarter hour before the library closes
- Set up of furniture and audio-visual equipment is the responsibility of the group hosting the meeting, not library personnel.
- If a presenter needs to use audiovisual equipment belonging to the library, s/he should reserve them two days in advance. If s/he needs help with the equipment, that learning should be scheduled well in advance of the meeting.
- Reservations may be made six months in advance.
- Products or services may not be advertised or sold except in support of the library or as part of a library program.
- Candles or other open flames are strictly prohibited inside the library.
- Use of tobacco is not permitted in the library.
- No alcoholic beverages may be dispensed or consumed in the Library building or on Library property
- Library employees are not responsible for childcare during meetings.
- The users will carry liability insurance or shall hold harmless and keep indemnified the owners from all damages or claim for damages or injury
- Each organization will assume full responsibility for any damages to the building or other Library property incurred while using the facilities. The Library assumes no responsibility for personal belongings.
- Use of the meeting room shall conform to all local, state, and federal laws and regulations this includes copyright law.
- Use of the meeting rooms does not imply sponsorship, endorsement, support, or co-sponsorship by the Perry County Public Library of the program or the group producing the program. Organizations should not imply that the event is sponsored, co-sponsored, or endorsed by the library on any advertising or publicity.
- Library employees have the power to terminate any meeting disruptive to Library operations. If a group breaches or abuses this policy it will be cause for revoking, suspending, or limiting its use of the meeting room.
Room Set-Up
Groups using the meeting rooms are responsible for set-up for their meetings, returning furniture and equipment to its original locations and leaving rooms clean and in good condition. No items may be attached to the walls without the consent of the Director or Assistant Director.
Food may be served at meetings and the meeting room attendees may use the coffee pot and microwave, but the users are responsible for clean up. Users accept full responsibility for any food or beverage damage to library property.
Program Guidelines
- Business related materials, such as business cards and brochures may be displayed as part of a program.
- Meeting must end fifteen minutes before closing.
- A library staff member may attend the meeting to monitor its content.
- To request a room reservation, please contact us at 812-547-2661
Adopted by the Perry County Public Library Board July 3rd 2013